I’m on a lockdown until I have liberated at least five tins, I’ve decided. Or emptied one of the 52teas pouches as they are large enough to count equal to a tin, and also got through at least 10 of the smaller samples.
Starting now. So this is the first sample, nine to go. It was another one from the Doulton tea present. A prize-winner even. I have to say I’m a little sceptical. The 52teas coconut cream pie is really the only coconut tea that I really like. Often I find coconut becomes rather cloying and unpleasant. So yes, I have to admit that choosing this one now was a question of getting it over with… (Sorry, Doulton )
I smelled the leaves before brewing and they were definitely coconut-y, but there was also so,ething else. so,mething kind of more like hazelnut-y. That’s kind of interesting. After steeping it does smell of coconut, but mostly it smells like a green type oolong.
What a surprise to taste this! The coconut is definitely there, but it’s not the cloying super-sweetness that I have com,e to expect. It’s primarily the pouchong flavour here, and then the coconut is sort of lurking around the edges. I would never have guessed this but coconut and pouchong suit each other very nicely!
I’m shocked!