Stomach is fine now. Head, not so much. A good strong black is needed, to-be-finished pile be damned. Nothing is working properly inside my skull today. I tried checking my dashboard, and JacquelineM’s post about the (by now) infamous and tres yummy raspberry oolong was on top. After that one though, I suddenly found myself realising that I was just scrolling and forgetting to pay attention.
This has a strong wood-y sort of aroma which promises a kick in the rear and a clearing of the mind. After brewing the aroma turns towards the sweeter and more honey-y, but still as strong, and still definitely the same smell as the dry leaves. Just altered a little bit.
I’m suddenly beginning to understand what Auggy means when she says Assam has a cardboard like flavour. There is a strong unmistakeble cardboard flavour here. It’s not unpleasant, it’s just… odd. This is uncomplicated. It’s an Assam that tastes of Assam and that’s really all there is to it. If I had been more in favour of Indian teas over Chinese, I’d probably have rated this better.
Not sure if it really helped my mental state much though. It might be just placebo.
Really messy post, this. I’ll just stop it here and go away and go back to being a sporadic presence for another few days. I’m sure you won’t mind.
Glad you are feeling (somewhat) better! And yay cardboard! I’m finding the clean cardboard taste pretty comforting (not so much the dirty, abused package cardboard).
Glad you are feeling (somewhat) better! And yay cardboard! I’m finding the clean cardboard taste pretty comforting (not so much the dirty, abused package cardboard).
I love my Assam, and I agree it’s a great restorative. Hope you feel better soon…
I’ve always been a paper junkie (few things tickle my senses more than a fresh pack of paper or an unused spiral notebook) … maybe that’s why I like Assams so much!