This is the first decent cup of tea I’ve had AAAAAALL DAY! First there was the bagged stuff in the travel mug, then there was the taste of Ceylon Pekoe which had been forgotten and steeped for some 2½ *cough*hours*cough*. Yuck oh yuck oh double yuck! Made a new pot of that, nearly forgot that too so it got ten minutes, but it was somewhat drinkable and I made do with it.
Now I’m home, I’ve had dinner and I’ve had dessert. Now I want tea. I saw the label on the tin among the many tins on the table and thought, “Yes!”
The more I have of this, the more the liquorice root is coming out. I think I’ll give the rating an itty bitty push upwards.
Is this really licorice-y? I’ve been eyeing this and the Vanilla Date Coconut for the last few days and I can’t bring myself to pull the trigger. I LOVE licorice teas.
Not liquorice as in the sweets, but liquorice root. Have you ever chewed liquorice root? I used to buy that now and then as a child instead of sweets. It’s a funny sort of flavour. You can’t find it on your tongue really and anything but a sort of dusty, slightly sweet and wooden flavour. And then when you swallow it’s more of a feeling on your soft palate rather than an actual flavour.
2.5 hrs? I can’t believe you even tried it. A pan of brownie points to you for that! I woulda put it w/ a gallon of water and tried it iced.
It was a reflex. Some teas hold up okay if oversteeped so I almost always try a sip to test it. It’s such a habit to do so by now that I do it even when it’s a tea that I know perfectly well will be ruined.
I do the same thing with oversteeped tea! Even if I leave the leaves in for hours, it might taste awesome, you just never know!
I’v definitely done that about a billion times. I’ll forget, go to class, come back, stick in the microwave and grimace the whole cup down. Builds character, I guess.
Is this really licorice-y? I’ve been eyeing this and the Vanilla Date Coconut for the last few days and I can’t bring myself to pull the trigger. I LOVE licorice teas.
Not liquorice as in the sweets, but liquorice root. Have you ever chewed liquorice root? I used to buy that now and then as a child instead of sweets. It’s a funny sort of flavour. You can’t find it on your tongue really and anything but a sort of dusty, slightly sweet and wooden flavour. And then when you swallow it’s more of a feeling on your soft palate rather than an actual flavour.
2.5 hrs? I can’t believe you even tried it. A pan of brownie points to you for that! I woulda put it w/ a gallon of water and tried it iced.
It was a reflex. Some teas hold up okay if oversteeped so I almost always try a sip to test it. It’s such a habit to do so by now that I do it even when it’s a tea that I know perfectly well will be ruined.
I do the same thing with oversteeped tea! Even if I leave the leaves in for hours, it might taste awesome, you just never know!
I’v definitely done that about a billion times. I’ll forget, go to class, come back, stick in the microwave and grimace the whole cup down. Builds character, I guess.
I stare at my tea while it steeps lol so I’ve only done it once, and that was because I didn’t set the timer. 10 min. Was really good- but that lead me to believe it SHOULD have tasted really weak.