We finally have summer around these parts! (Said the woman who has been out of the country for a fortnight. But it’s a small jump from England to Denmark, and we often have the same general sort of wheather.)
This is not something I would usually think very suitable for a morning cup, but today it’s warm and I’ve slept super comfortably in my own bed with my own pillow and with the fan turned on! I wanted something… fresher than the usual black or occasional dark, roasted oolong. I figured this was a good choice.
Also, the husband (omg I can write that now!) isn’t up yet. He’s definitely sleeping in this morning, so I didn’t have to think about what he wanted to drink.
Hahah yes isn’t it cool to say that!!! :) Congrats again and welcome back! I just got back from a trip myself and I am wiped out. Trying to catch up a bit.
Thank you. :)