Water: 16oz
Leaves: Large long flat medium green leaves
Measuring Spoon: no
Steep: 2m
Aroma: Vegetable
Color: light yellow
Clarity: great
Taste:The first thing i noticed with this tea was the packaging was a dull silver color as compared to the usual shiny silver packets. Upon opening the leaves were long & flat with a vegetable aroma. Since this tea is to big for a spoon measure i went to the website and decided to go with 15 leaves. The instruction were quite different as i pour a bit of the water into my french press first gently swirling it for 30s before adding the rest of the water. The steep was rather short at only 2m. Due to the wideness of the press my leaves didn’t stand up as in the photo. Overall flavor was light i will be going back and making another cup. Before making this cup i had a short Blogilates workout and did a 1m Bad Yogi meditation.
This wraps up my 2016 Spring tea reviews!