I seem to have fallen in love with Earl Grey Creams. I adore the two I have in stock always (Upton’s Vanilla Cream and Culinary’s White EGC), and I really enjoyed the one I tried from the Tea Table. I was kind of addicted to the ice cream I made out of it…
Anyway, I realized I’ve had this gem of a sample sitting around for some time untouched. Well, time to change that! The smell is heavenly, just what you’d expect from an EGC. Rich, smooth, creamy and dessert-like. The flavor is strong too, very vanilla-y, like pudding or a cupcake. It reminds me of their vanilla oolong (probably because I also had it today) but the flavor doesn’t mask the base. I think black teas can take a LOT of flavoring and still stand out, and you can definitely taste the black here.
However, what I am not getting is a whole lot of bergamot. It’s fainter than the Tea Table version, and is kind of downplayed by all the creaminess. Usually I find that citrus bite and vanilla smoothness and interesting counterpoint, but here it’s just smooth cream and a strong black base with maybe a tiny hint of bergamot. It’s more a lightly citrus-y cream tea than an EGC but it’s still delicious!
I met my Earl Grey Creme addiction last month! I think I’ve tried five different since last month! Easily my favorite tea now, and I thought I’d hate it. And also, you made ICE CREAM out of Earl Grey Creme?!?! Sounds good!
Yup, EGC Ice Cream! It’s actually pretty simple, I used a basic custard base: pre-mix the heavy cream + milk and steep about 2-3 tablespoons (I think, I tend to wing my measurements) of EGC for ~20 minutes. Strain, and then prepare the custard base as usual and freeze! You can keep some leaves in for texture too if you chop them up. It’s probably the best ice cream I’ve ever made, it’s just… perfection!
I met my Earl Grey Creme addiction last month! I think I’ve tried five different since last month! Easily my favorite tea now, and I thought I’d hate it. And also, you made ICE CREAM out of Earl Grey Creme?!?! Sounds good!
Yup, EGC Ice Cream! It’s actually pretty simple, I used a basic custard base: pre-mix the heavy cream + milk and steep about 2-3 tablespoons (I think, I tend to wing my measurements) of EGC for ~20 minutes. Strain, and then prepare the custard base as usual and freeze! You can keep some leaves in for texture too if you chop them up. It’s probably the best ice cream I’ve ever made, it’s just… perfection!