This is quite different from what I was expecting. In my head, ‘Tropical Pineapple’ sounds like a pina colada type drink, heavy on the flavoring. However, this is a pretty light blend! The green base shines through, grassy and crisp. The flavors are very subdued: the pineapple tastes like some fresh squeezed juice was mixed with a nice green tea, it’s very soft and subtle. However, it’s without any tang, which I kind of expect from pineapple.
There’s another fruit taste here too—apricot maybe? Well, it tastes like apricot! Kind of rich and lightly sweet, it goes really well with the pineapple to balance it out. It’s a tropical glass without being overly tropical (not that I mind super tropical flavors, but I prefer them with a black base). Of course I had this cold brewed, for some reason I find hot teas with tropical tastes kind of… strange? Anyway, an excellent iced tea, maybe the best green I’ve tried from Persimmon—I think the flavors are balanced a lot better than Green Pomegranate. The Caramel does give this a run for its money though! Maybe I should do a side by side taste-test.