So it’s probably too late to be drinking black tea, but oh well! I don’t get to bed until painfully late anyway and I just got this in the mail and was dying to crack it open. I’ve had it before (in that damned free sampler they suck you in with) and knew I’d definitely have to make a purchase in the near future.
Ceylon definitely isn’t my favorite variety of black. It’s good as a base for flavored blends, but overall it doesn’t really have a strong enough taste to make me crave it on its own. Well, obviously this one is different—it’s very complex with notes of molasses, honey, caramel and chocolate. Yup, a lot of dessert-like undertones, which I love! I sometimes find dessert teas overpowering, with the flavors a bit heavy-handed, so this is like a very very light version of a dessert blend for me. I don’t really get the berry notes they claim it to have but I don’t like fruity teas a whole lot so I am certainly not going to complain! It’s also got a nice astringency and is very smooth and strong—not strong enough to really wake you up in the morning, but it’s a perfect “curled up in bed reading a book all afternoon” tea.
This is one of my favorites from Golden Moon!