So I took a trip over to Davids Tea today, while running errands at my local mall, and decided to check out the new winter collection.
I picked up a bunch of tea samples (10 grams each of Coffee Cake, White Chocolate Frost, Alpine Punch, Gingerbread, Choconut Oolong and this one – Chocolate Chili Chai).
Once steeped for 5 minutes, I had to take a sip to taste it plain.
Black tea just doesn’t do it for me plain. I need some sugar to bring out the flavour and a dash of milk too.
Much better!
I can feel a little bit of the chili heat in there, on my tongue a little, and it’s very smooth.
I like it. But I can only go with trying out different teas, and not commit to just one tea. That commitment is for straight-up green tea as my go-to.