I picked up 20 grams of this, just because it’s oolong and because it’s coconut (and because my 4 year old daughter just LOVES coconuts!)
I drank this last week I think and wasn’t sure about it completely. So I gave this another go today while I was cooking dinner. I have this small ceramic cooking pot (holds about 6-7 oz’s comfortably) that I made into a make-shift gaiwan. I put in a heaping tsp and filled the pot with water about halfway (between 3-4 oz’s). I wanted a stronger flavour to get the best out of it.
1st steep – about 2 minutes 45 seconds. Wow. This was so good. MUCH better than the first time I had it. More coconut flavour. I think I have figured out the best way to enjoy the flavour now.
2nd steep – about 3 minutes 45 seconds – sooooo yummy! I think I like this steep the best. Creamy, coconuty flavour. Even after having drank the brew, I could taste coconuts in my mouth. Like, real coconut. As if I had just bitten and chewed on some of the flesh.
3rd steep – 4 minutes 45 seconds – just as good as the seconds steep.
4th steep – 5 minutes 45 seconds – Still a hint of the coconut there, and creamy oolong.
5th steep – 6 minutes 45 seconds. By this point, I can still taste the oolong and there is color but the coconut flavour is quite weak and I can tell that it’s becoming more watered down in flavour now.
Not going to push for a 6th steep.
But I really enjoyed that session! Very refreshing!
(4th and 5th steeps I used boiling water).