It’s already feeling like summer here. Where did winter go? Did it really happen this year? Who knows…
This is an appropriately summery green tea blend with flower petals and dried fruit mixed in. The aroma is sweet pineapple and a whiff of other tropical fruit. The tea base didn’t really come through after steeping. It’s definitely fruit and sweet, but in a candy-like, slightly artificial way. It might be good as an iced beverage or tea soda, but as a hot (now warm) brew it’s a bit too sweet for me. It reminds me of one of DAVIDs other blends that is just pieces of fruit…I can’t quite remember the name right now. Thanks beelicious for the sample, there are (really) just a few left to try now :)
LOL – it’s like the neverending bag of tea :)
I was proud to discover the untrieds all fit into one small ziploc bag today :D