Of the teas I received in Verdant’s $5 for 5 introduction promotion, this was the one I was most hesitant about. I like my blacks blended, but the urgings of several Steepsterites (you know who you are!) I decided to give it a go before I sent out the rest to its new home.
I put a pinch or two in my gaiwan, boiled the kettle, and let it sit for a couple minutes to cool off a little. I did forget to set the steep timer, so I think it ended up at three minutes instead of the shorter steep I was aiming for. With the first sip, I do admit I was impressed. It was much, much more enjoyable than I anticipated.
It was very toasty, slightly nutty, and it reminded me of sesame seeds. There was some sweetness, and a very silky smooth sensation up until it started to cool, when it became lightly astringent. I guess I was expecting something closer to a Lapsang Souchang or a Pu’erh, but this managed to become a fishless “just the good stuff” version of my husband’s favorite Pu’erh.
It’s still not something I’m going to gravitate towards, but I am glad I let myself get talked into trying it.
Good for you for trying it!
My preferred way to drink this one is western style:
1 TBL tea + 8oz cup X 3 minutes.
Oh yeah!
Good to hear you enjoyed it!