68 Tasting Notes
This is even better iced than it is hot. It was really hot yesterday, and I’m glad I had a few glasses of this. I find adding a little bit of sugar to iced teas brings the flavors out a bit more. It works very well with the subtle flavor of the pear here. Yum.
I didn’t have as much of this as I would have liked for a hot infusion, primarily cos I used most of it for some iced tea. Consequently, I steeped for a little bit longer than recommended (5.5 minutes rather than 4). It is a little tart. I suspect it would be more astringent if I had more of the tea to steep. Anyway, it’s quite nice and light and I can taste some pear in the back of my mouth. Yum.
When I opened the package, I actually smelled strawberries and chocolate, for some reason. It took a couple seconds, but my brain could finally rearrange it into strawberry shortcake. When it’s brewed, it smells like strawberry shortcake. And when I drank it, strawberry shortcake! It’s everything but the intense sugar. Very tasty. Now I just have to try it iced.
I feel like a lot of the subtlety of some teas, this one in particular, is lost on me. I didn’t really like this one. I mean, the leaves smelled wonderful, and the infusion smelled just as awesome and fresh, but when I drank it, I was overwhelmed by the taste of smoky leather. I would have liked to have liked it, but I can’t say that I did.
This is a nice one from the local teahouse. It has nettles, which are supposedly very effective in providing antihistamines or something. I don’t know how well it worked, due to not actually being allergic at the time. It tasted minty, but not overwhelmingly so, like many of the moroccan mint teas are. I’ll have to try it again when I’m overwhelmed by histamines.
This smells so much like a Japanese green! I love it! It tastes like it too. Yum. Seaweedy and delicious. It’s buttery and smooth. I think this is from the new season, too. The leaves looked really green and were very fragrant.