62 Tasting Notes
This is actually a revision.
I feel I have to write a note on this tea. It’s the first loose leaf purchase I made and it turned out to be a great stab in the dark. I must admit that cost helped drive my decision and for under $10 I wasn’t very apprehensive about it. As it turns out it is a staple around our house. Daily is there an afternoon pot of either this, or another similar Asian grocery tea, once all are in from work/school.
Dry leaf is sweet and nutty; which I will explain why I’m sure it’s nutty in a minute. Leaves aren’t necessarily quick to unfurl, mostly larger leaves with some pieces. Wet leaves are sweet smelling yet I can’t place what it reminds me of. Color is exactly the red/brown as of the picture on the can.
At first sip there is a nuttiness to the flavor (still not telling why yet). A smooth drink with no astringency. I can drink this one from my Stanley thermos a couple hours after infusing and it is still tasty.
I will often steep this 5-6 times only bringing the steep time up a tad for the last 3 steeps. I will now admit the ignorance I maintained about multiple steepings when I first started. I would lay my leaves on paper towels and re-use them 2,3,maybe 4 days in a row. I didn’t know any better and didn’t suffer any displeasure either. So if times are hard, know that you can REALLY stretch your tea dollar when needed.
So now let me finish the story (if you haven’t opted out due to sheer boredom due to my rambling). My wife is coming along on the no sugar thing with some teas, this one she still uses a spoonful. I had just poured us each a large mug when she pointed out I had to go to my job. I poured the remainder of the pot in my thermos along with what I THOUGHT was my cup and dashed (ahhh you see where it’s going).Once on the road I poured a small cup for myself and when I threw back a swig of the tea,rather than my face contorting in horror as would happen if accidently taking a drink of sweetened coffee,a look of stupified (which comes very naturally) wonder appeared instead.
Somehow I had just drank peanut butter toast…a childhood favorite. The one spoon of sugar from ny wifes cup mixed through 6cups of this oolong was a creamy peanutty surprise.Dare I say I may have to use this formula again.
For those of you who hung on for the ending bravo to you, not that your lives are any further blessed or there was any enlightenment to be gained.
Though I try this tea with a hint of sugar from time to time I still don’t seem to get the same effect that I did on this occasion. I think I still prefer this one without sweetening. Just wanted to revisit this drink since it is so commonly drank at our house.
tunes-Bobby Hebb/Sunny;Leon Russell/Tight Rope;The Stranglers/Golden Brown;The Who/Eminence Front/Reign On Me;Looking Glass/Brandy;Bobbie Gentry/Ode To Billie Joe
Tune:Dave Mathews and Tim Reynolds-Eh Hee
Revised note;
Dropped the temp to 185. I had this tea AGAIN tonight yet didn’t remember that I had it before until I saw my score on the Steepster reviews page. It’s funny to go back and see what I was writing my first few days of being on here. I don’t see anything that I think is wrong, just not enough of it. I shall correct…
Normally I like to do my tasting withn a fresh palate before eating (not sure if it makes a difference), but today I could not help myself. I made my wife scrambled eggs with sweet onions, sweet banana peppers, jalepeno, and tomatoes (Mr Stripey/Ruckers) all pulled fresh from the garden. Wow fresh is good. Only wish I woulda grabbed the brown eggs I considered stopping for the other day.
On with the tea. Pale green color. Unfurling brought good sized leaves. Nice aroma that I soon found hinted at taste to follow. Initially I was impressioned with a green, but not grassy, slightly minty flavor. There were delicate notes of floral sweetness and little to no astringency. The buttery creaminess was so good and it hung with me for a little bit, coating my mouth and leaving a pleasant aftertaste indeed.
Second steeping the sweet remained though not as sharp or minty. The creaminess was still present too. The flavor became bolder but the astrigency remained nuetral. It’s very refreshing and, truthfully, hard to put down. I ended up steeping this one maybe 7 times, backing off the amount of water and bumping up the duration a little each time. I found it to change slightly each time with the final cup leaving me with a salty soup like flavor that was still holding on to a touch of the sweet notes. A splendid drink I would suggest to anyone.
Tune;The Glorious 9th,by Ludwig Van
I did not listen to this tonight, we were actually playing the Lord Of The Rings Trilogy Edition of-Risk, though I left it to see if anyone knows what I meant by it…
You want to see if anyone knows what you mean by the tune you posted?? Beethoven’s 9th? I’m confused :P
Revision, one of my first notes;
Dry leaf smells beautiful and somewhat spicy. Color is a nice amber. Flavor immediately displayed a sweet current, which coupled with it’s boldness is a nice mix. After a few moments the tea gains the slight malty aspect I hadn’t picked up on a moment before.
Second steep; Still very smooth and the sweetness is definitely present in the aftertaste. This is a quenching drink leaving my mouth ever ready for the next sip.
This is the kind of black tea I could enjoy all the time. Clean, not too heavy yet bold and full of flavor, sweet notes but not artificial tasting.
This sample originally came to me from Pureleaf, but may have resurfaced in the sampler I bought from LiberTEAS (which I still suggest that all fellow newbie drinkers to get one of these to help you in your tea learning journey), not sure so thanks to you both!
Tune;none aside from that of one of my sons practicing his newly acquired xylophone.
Did you acquire a healthy stock of Advil to accompany said xylophone? (I can’t say much…played bells in high school marching band. Banged ’em so hard my teeth hurt.)
Ooh, I think I have a little xylophone around my house somewhere. Hitting the high notes actually, literally hurt my ears. It was troubling.
Actually, I did gain some enlightenment from your review. I really must try more (1) oolong tea and (2) non-flavoured tea. Great review!