I look forward to my infrequent work trips, mainly because I have the opportunity to visit tea shops and cafes, something I don’t have the luxury to do here in my culturally alive but tea bereft area. On a recent trip to DC, I stopped into Teaism and had a nice cup of Golden Monkey and then bought a tin of this Himalayan Gold from Capital Teas.
I have to say, I have quickly become enamored of this tea. Of course it has the same general profile as a darjeeling, but with a lingering sweetness—Oolong-like in its floweriness—that sets it apart from its more astringent cousin.
I only wish Capital had more unflavored teas to choose from; I would certainly purchase from them again.
This looks like Himalayan Gold from Nepali Tea Traders (non-profit) in Denver. They source tea from farms in Nepal, sell direct and wholesale. This is one of my favorites in their line of black tea’s. www.nepaliteatraders.com The sample sets are a really good way to try their tea’s if you enjoy tea from Nepal. (I don’t mind plugging a non-profit that helps the farmers!)
This looks like Himalayan Gold from Nepali Tea Traders (non-profit) in Denver. They source tea from farms in Nepal, sell direct and wholesale. This is one of my favorites in their line of black tea’s. www.nepaliteatraders.com The sample sets are a really good way to try their tea’s if you enjoy tea from Nepal. (I don’t mind plugging a non-profit that helps the farmers!)
I noticed the similarities between the two and had always meant to try teas from Nepal tea traders. Thanks for vouching for them.