Thank you Stacy for this sample
Hmm, I have no idea what tamarind is. This tea was really good. I was eating some leftover cake with it, and the sweetness of the cake really made the flavour pop. It is nice and creamy, but I am really not sure how to describe it.
Good suggestion Alphakitty!
EDIT: Upon Stacy’s suggestion to add sugar, I added sugar to my resteep for 5 minutes. It turned out really good. Cuts the bitterness of the first steep without sugar. This does taste a little bit more familiar now, I have probably have had tamarind like Alphakitty suggested.
Have you tried it with sugar yet? With a little sugar it tastes just like tamarind soda. Yums! Tamarind is a fruit that comes in a pod, its both sweet and sour.
Tamarind is also used as the sour element in a lot of Thai and Indian cooking, so you might have had it without even knowing it! It’s an interesting fruit for sure.
Have you tried it with sugar yet? With a little sugar it tastes just like tamarind soda. Yums! Tamarind is a fruit that comes in a pod, its both sweet and sour.
Tamarind is also used as the sour element in a lot of Thai and Indian cooking, so you might have had it without even knowing it! It’s an interesting fruit for sure.
After trying this, I got a bottle of the tamarind soda and this tea + sugar is even better than it!