This is my first Gunpowder, and I only had to open up the tin to see where it got its name — the little, rolled balls are a fun departure from the leaves of many other greens. The scent of the leaves is grassy and smoky, and maybe a bit “humid,” like the grass has sat in your dumpster for too long waiting to be picked up in the summer. But it’s not a gross smell like that.
The liquor smells smoky, but not as grassy as the leaves did. The taste is still smoky and a bit tannic. I’m not a huge fan of smokiness, like when people add liquid smoke to stuff, but this one tastes natural and I feel like it is balanced well with grassiness and bitterness of the tea. Not my favorite green, but I still like it.
180 °F / 82 °C
3 min, 0 sec
Looking for a ratio of gunpowder to peppermint to make a Moroccan Mint. Anyone?