This was my firestarter this morning. I slept though my alarm so I had to reach for sumpthin’ with a kick. I am really liking Assam. It’s got a nice boost and lovely maltiness. Not to mention Prodigy is good to pumped. I’ve started getting back into the swing of working out and hitting the gym. I hadn’t realized how inactive I have become till now. I find anytime Prodigy tickles my eardrums I work a little bit harder…a good kick in the assam if you will. The supply of this one is starting to dwindle. So I may have to reorder or explore some other CTC. This also reminds me of a song I used to play on my radio show in college by the Channel Surfers-C.T.C quite the groovy little bit. Ah Tea and good music slaying the Buttdragons together.
This reminds me of one of my favorite songs from 2011 (or 2010?) Radioactive by Kings of Leon. They are synonymous with each other, “It’s in the water/where you came from,” and I imagine this tea! ;) I haven’t had it yet…