Shift switch! So I had to be at the station by 5am so what do I reach for on these days? Definitely a mate and I was given a chance to try this one from brandy3392 So I’ve been quite impressed so far with what I have tried from DAVIDs and this is not dissapointing me either. Especially with Mates I think that sometimes companies try to cover the flavor of the mate. I have also noticed that raspberry teas I have tried don’t seem to cut it either. However the chocolate flavor and the raspberry flavors don’t taste synthetic. The accompany the roasted mate nicely. It’s really smooth and reminds me of a good chocolate raspberry coffee blend that a coffee shop I worked for served. The hint of the almond flavor is nice too. It’s seriously like drinking a chocolate raspberry truffle. It stands up to a second steeping. The empty cup aroma on this one is flippin fantastic. I will probably order this when my swap runs out. This would be a great valentine tea.
this maté is truly wonderful! I love when a flavored tea live up to expectation, that’s why I love DAvids tea so much!