I really like Red Leaf Tea as a company. They have the widest, wonderfully weird collection of stuff around. And one of the most extensive (and encyclopedic) Earl Grey collections out there. That’s why it pains me to say that I didn’t enjoy this as much as I wanted; even with the “Organic” label (which – more often than not – does make a difference on taste). Brewed as light as I did it, the leaves still lent a strong but bitter brew. Some like their Earls like that, but I’m not one of them. A second infusion at five minutes fared better but not by much. I did finish it, yet its not as superb as some of their other wares.

Full Review: http://www.teaviews.com/2010/12/09/review-red-leaf-tea-earl-grey-organic/

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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I moonlight as a procrastinating writer and daylight as a trader of jack. I appreciate good tea, good beer, and food that is bad for me. Someday I’ll write the great American novel. And it’ll probably have something to do with tea or beer…or both. In the meantime, I subsist.

Tea Blog: http://www.steepstories.com

TeaCuplets: http://lazyliteratus.tumblr.com/





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