Another full day working on my front porch rehab project. Tony came over to put rubber treads on my steps (so my harp dolly won’t tear up the paint), & I had to face some disappointment when I discovered that the 4 X 8 foot commercial runner I ordered won’t come for 4 – 6 weeks. Dammit. It’s the width of my front door, & just long overlap the top stair tread. Anyway, the latest pics are up on my FB, for anybody who would like to see my progress. I think it’s coming along nicely!
This was actually my last tea of the day. I was peeling off the blue painting tape, making note of touch ups I’ll have to do, & this was the perfect tea for the job! Comforting, grounding, bringing me back down to earth after spending a large portion of my day on a ladder, paintbrush in hand.
I’m sure someone on Steepster has already said this, but I find it inherently awesome that you are a professional harpist. It’s just such a neat thing to be able to say!
I’m sure someone on Steepster has already said this, but I find it inherently awesome that you are a professional harpist. It’s just such a neat thing to be able to say!
I love this for last tea of the day – snuggly happy-place tea.
it IS coming along nicely my tea sister!
Christina, thanks! It actually blows me away sometimes that I really get to make a living doing this!
Sil, Did you guys finish your project yet? I’ve sort of hardly been online, so if you post(ed) pics, let me know, or else I might miss them!