This tea company is a small outfit located in my new town of residence. I have seen their booth at the farmers market for a few weeks now but I always assumed they had only herbal teas, and thus I wasn’t too interested. But I stopped by the other day and notice that they had a tin of this tea, which I immediately wanted to pick up because it is rose and Earl Grey. Even though my boyfriend objected based on the fact that is named after a rival Big Ten team (his alma mater was Big Ten).
It smelled nice and bergamotty, with a hint of sweet rose. After brewing the base tea came out and smelled pretty good… like a nice Chinese base, I’m guessing Keemun. Unfortunately although this tea was pretty tasty to drink, because the base is indeed a nice Chinese tea or tea blend, there isn’t nearly enough bergamot OR rose in this for me. I will probably up the leaf and see if I can improve it, because it was a little weak overall anyway.
You moved closer to me! ;)
It’s true, we are in the same state now! :)
I am a transplant as well. The ‘scarlet and gray’ are not my team, either!