My friend received the Solstice Tea Traders “ultimate tea sampler” but isn’t a tea person so he re-gifted it to me. This is the sixth mini tin from the set I’ve pulled out to work through, and the one that interested me the most of the unflavored teas. It’s been my favorite so far, too! It’s very bready in flavor, with a bit of an earthy/nutty note (walnut?) and a bit of a citrusy note on the finish. It was lacking any heavy malt or tannic qualities, but is very smooth and refreshing and doesn’t need additives. Cold brewed, it has a very clean and refreshing flavor, it’s a bit less nutty than prepared warm, but the citrus pops a bit more. I like it!
Flavors: Bread, Citrus, Earthy, Nutty, Rye, Walnut, Wheat