This is my first real foray into the world of pu-erh!
I rinsed the puck with hot water for 10-15 seconds, and then steeped for about 30 seconds. For some reason, I didn’t expect the puck to fall apart so quickly. After a short amount of time, the tea was already dark like soy sauce, and I won’t lie, it smelled like fish.
The taste was malty, smooth, savory, and yes, a little bit like fish. The fishy taste subsided after the second infusion, and each subsequent brew was a little bit lighter and sweeter. I increased brew time slightly, but by the last infusion, I still only brewed for about 1 minute. Even the 6th cup was still a rich reddish mahogany color, but by then, the tea was losing its flavor and intensity.
Although my description might not sound too appealing, there is something mysterious and alluring about the smell and taste of this tea, and I enjoyed every sip. I loved smelling the earthy, savory aroma of the leaves between infusions. Drinking this tea is something to plan to do periodically throughout a whole day, as you have to do it justice by brewing at least 5 cups (even the 7th or 8th infusion would probably be pleasant). Other than that, I look forward to my next pu-erh day.