I got this matcha from one of RLT’s ‘oops’ sales. I was initially drawn to it because a) I love popcorn, b) I have enjoyed their caramel matcha previously, and c) IT’S CARAMEL POPOCORN MATCHA ON SALE. Enough said. But, I did not realized until I had checked out that this was the red matcha that he sells. Which is powdered Rooibos.
But I did not let that get in my way, since it is already halfway gone :P
I don’t mind the red base. It’s smooth, which I was not expecting, much sweeter than actual matcha, and I can drink it anytime of the day and not be lying awake at night, wired. I do use double the recommended amount for the red (1 tsp – 2 tsp per 6 – 8 oz)because of the delicate nature of the powder. It doesn’t turn chalky like I half expected it to. Even though the flavor profile is ‘robust,’ on the palate, it is fainter than I am used to. In the bag it is quite pungent. The popcorn flavoring is so spot on. This is coming from a popcorn fanatic. (I mean it. I will go to any movie as long as there is popcorn. I always have some form of it close by. I friggin LOVE this stuff!) the buttery popcorn is not overpowered by the caramel, and brings about a sense of hot caramel being drizzled over freshly popped and buttered popcorn.
I have put this on yogurt and ice cream, made it iced with almond milk, and even hot once with my chawan and chasen. I will be sad when it’s gone – which may be very soon – but I took a gamble and it paid off. I won’t be replenishing it exactly as is, but maybe as normal matcha. It’s a good indulgent nightcap!
Flavors: Butter, Caramel, Honey, Popcorn