Sipdown 76-2021
I’ve been neglecting my tea of the last week or so. There’s just been so much going on. I’ve been searching for another job for about a year (transitioning into a sole focus in Human Resources), and have had the absolute worst luck. I’m also starting graduate school next week (yay!), which has taken a lot of preparation and planning.
On top of the work/school stuff, my foster cat was diagnosed with FIP. Up until the last couple years, FIP had a 100% fatality rate. Luckily, there’s been some excellent research done, and there is an underground d treatment available with a very high success rate. Unfortunately though, the treatment requires daily subcutaneous injections for 3 months minimum. Learning to give my poor cat injections has been quite an ordeal.
Anyway, I haven’t been drinking as much tea as I normally would. But, I’m finally getting back to some sip downs.
Added some cashew milk and a bit of honey to this and it was the best cup yet.