I’m on a mission.
A mission to drink tea!
Last night I came home from Tony’s & did my monthly tea inventory, updating my collection list & printing it out. Last month I started with 343 teas in my collection, & through a series of sipdowns, got it down to 260. Then the Here’s Hoping TTB arrived. Then the BBBB arrived. For photos, stop by my blog, “Terri’s Airy Fairie World”, [email protected]. I promise I won’t try to sell you anything, get you to enter a contest, or whatever.
Anyway, I also went a little nuts & ordered some stuff. It hasn’t arrived yet, but I know it will, so I went ahead & put it on the list. I’m officially starting the month with 307 teas in my collection. Also my tea collection printout went from 19 pages to 16 pages.
Progress, not perfection!
Of course, this list doesn’t include the entire HHTTB, just the teas I’m planning on keeping. It also doesn’t include the crazy box of teas that I know Sil will bombard me with sometime soon, LOL.
I’m mostly dedicating this week to sampling teas from the HHTTB so I can get it back in the mail, & the BBBB, & also finishing my Sipdown Extravagana on NofarS’ teas, so I can send Sil a crazy box myself.
This tea is the 2nd offering from TastyBrew in the BBBB. It is a mix of straight & curly leaves, in shades of black, gray, & tan, with a bright aroma, kind of high pitched (sorry, I tend to experience sensations in musical terms). I steeped 2 tsp at 3 minutes, with a re-steep at 5. The first steep was a little bitter & peppery initially, & then sweet. The 2nd steep was similar, a little thinner & less bitter & peppery, but still very drinkable. It’s not a bad tea, but not destined to be a favorite. Of course, my tastebuds change from day to day, so probably next time I might notice some different features!
Sounds like a much better day today than yesterday, eh?
for sure!
I still have a ton of this so if you want more, I can throw it in the next box!