I’ve been having a great tea week!
A tiny part of me wishes I weren’t. I’m able to come up with MUCH FUNNIER stuff to say when reviews are dire. Alas, the stuff in my mouth tastes good, which doesn’t leave a lot of hilarity fodder.
So I’m going to tell you this is a tasty chocolate/vanilla blend with a bit flowers and coconut. If you like those things, you’ll probably like this thing. The only negative thing I can say is that it tastes a tiny bit artificial, but it’s so good overall, I’ll probably be buying more. So there’s that.
Miss my negativity? I do have a negative review about Wendy’s disruption of the Strawberry Fields salad. It was strawberries, chicken, bacon, onion, and bleu cheese crumbles gaily dancing upon greens.
It came every summer and left every fall like glorious clockwork. I spent all 9 cold months pining for it.
This year, they introduced a Summer Berry Chicken Salad instead. It’s not the same and it’s not as good.
It’s like walking into the school cafeteria on Taco Tuesday only to be handed some Sloppy Joe. What is this? Why are you deviating from schedule? I don’t want this. I want the other thing that should be happening right now. I mean, this is fine. It’s not poison; it’s just not what I want.
You want to reach across and bitch-slap the counter-lady, even though you know it’s not her fault. You want to tear off her hairnet, light it on fire, and go streaking through the woods with it aflame.
But you must stay calm and order something else.
Don’t let anyone see your lip quiver as you hold back tears.
Flavors: Chocolate, Cocoa, Coconut, Cream, Flowers, Vanilla
I don’t love coconut, but I do tolerate it and I like to give it a chance every once in a while. ;)