Had a dramatic day yesterday, so I start out prepared today with compassioned, loyal and bitter Earl Grey at my side. The nightmare project seems never ending, and now the Universe seem to rot itself together againts me – thus me and the Earl sulk quietly at the corner.
Grins it’s really not that bad. But I reaally need a strong tea today, so Tommy’s basic Earl Grey followed me to school. I like the leaf’s. There was a lot of medium sized brown leafs, and some few lighter full leafs. (Don’t hang me up on it, I am drawing this from memory). It brewed up to a beautifull orange/brown tea.
The smell is very … Discreet?
Sips It’s well blended. I hate when the leafs and the flavors don’t mix well, but in this there is a flow, red tread, togetherness. It’s bitter – but not overly so. Just enough that you feel that you got a slap on the back from a gay mineworker.
(I kid… But seriusly, it’s like a slap in the back, a “wake up” tea)
Bergamot can easily be too strong or too weak, but this has a nice balanced amount.
How will I rate this? Actually I only found one Earl Grey that I fully enjoyed.
This joins it. (The Earl Grey Army! GAH! – Yes I am silly, but that’s why you read this isn’t it?) The other Earl Grey is very soft and smooth, but this is a “round person”.
Earl Grey and I sulk on.
Yay – glad you liked it!
I made a page for this earlier under the company name Green Raven Tea and Coffee, but I’ll move the page for you.
Thank you! It’s a life saver :)
I really tried finding it (I even checked all you tasting notes for reference) but with no luck :)
Rereading my description and your review makes me really happy in the fidelity of this. I always worry people won’t necessarily get the effects or notes I’m shooting for.
Reads the description" … *Grins
Awesome. I love that you recommended honey! I couldn’t put milk in the mug (Earl Grey didn’t beg) but I considered a little bit of honey… just a drop!