Tea #9 from Another Traveling Tea Box
I’ve had this box for nearly a week and I haven’t gotten though everything I wanted to try yet. So I figure I’d better get my butt in gear and start trying some stuff. Lol. This is the 2nd tea I’m hoping to get through tonight, though I started later than I wanted, so we’ll just have to see.
This one smelled very fruity in the bag, though it did have a vaguely plastic-y sort of edge to it. But mostly I just smelled fruitiness.
Brewed I get plenty of fruit and it’s actually a pretty tasty tea. Straight it tastes like unsweet fruit juice. The fruit comes out so much better after adding a bit of truvia to it. Though it’s still strangely weak/watery tasting to me. Maybe that’s because I’m used to drinking black/oolong tea that have a bit more body to them. Next time I might try brewing this a bit longer, or possibly upping the temp a bit higher just to see what happens.
Watery-ness aside, this is one green tea that I wouldn’t mind actually ordering in the future.