
Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
Artificial Flavouring, Black Tea Leaves, Brazil Nuts, Coconut, Golden Raisins, Natural Flavours
Coconut, Nutty, Sweet, Nuts, Smooth, Raisins, Salty, Caramel, Creamy, Cream
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by hapatite
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 45 sec 5 g 10 oz / 295 ml

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90 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This was not as good today, but I can’t really fault the tea. It was really just me having a very lame tea day. I was so busy at work, that I only managed to have two cups of tea. This one, I...” Read full tasting note
  • “I think I miiiight have had too much caffeine tonight. Feeling a bit jittery… whoops. Anyways, this is the last tea of the evening unless I re-steep something, and it’s also a sipdown! Yay! I don’t...” Read full tasting note
  • “Had a group interview for LUSH today – I have been looking forward to it all week. Frick. This job I have now.. well.. it is NOT what I thought it would be. It’s just that I thought it would be...” Read full tasting note
  • “While my family came to visit from Canada, they all brought DAVIDsTea goodies (in 20g sizes) for me to sample, after hearing too much of my rantings of missing having a DT store. Interestingly, I...” Read full tasting note


Get rich quick

Have you heard tales of the wealthy Brazilian eccentric? According to local stories, he was completely obsessed with Brazil nuts, the source of his fortune. He insisted on having them in every meal – even his afternoon tea! Was it needless decadence, or a stroke of genius? You’ll have to taste it yourself to decide. This fabulously opulent blend combines black tea with whole Brazil nuts, raisins and coconut. Trust us – it tastes like a million bucks.

Ingredients: Black tea, Brazil nuts, golden raisins, coconut, natural and artificial flavouring*.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

90 Tasting Notes

2 tasting notes

Got this as a sample in my last order from David’s. I was really excited to try it, but was kind of disappointed … Maybe it was my fault, but it wasn’t nearly as strong as I was hoping. Tasted just kind of like water .. but it smelled delicious! I would try it again if I got another sample, but I won’t order it on my own. Just next time — steep more tea!!

Flavors: Nuts

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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1158 tasting notes

I received this as a sample in one of my recent David’s Tea orders. I was happy that this tea in particular was sent because I had never tried it before and had always wondered about it. I would have bought a small amount to try previously but when I asked my sister about it, she told me it was “awful.” I steeped mine and added a little agave nectar and milk. I was expecting the worst but hoping for the best. I ended up pleasantly surprised when it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. In fact, I found that I actually liked it! Nutty overload! It’s very strong in it’s nutty flavour, different and unique from the other teas I have in my cupboard. I can taste the black tea in the base and I like that it’s smooth. I also get a nice hint of coconut . I guess my sister and I have different tastes in tea. She’s a big fan of Love Tea #7 and Fantasy Island and I prefer this one over both of those. Maybe if I had drank this plain, without the agave nectar and milk, I wouldn’t have liked it quite as much but with those added, I enjoyed my mug of it.

Flavors: Coconut, Nutty, Smooth


I just wish the Brazil nuts were chopped a bit more finely. Or were . . . less heavy, to be honest. Hah!


haha! I noticed that they were rather large pieces!

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333 tasting notes

Finally digging through the dauntingly large selection of DAVIDsTEA samples from beelicious! This one has a rich, intense nutty aroma that develops into something more coconut-esque after brewing. The flavor is very strongly nutty and coconut-heavy as well. With a splash of coconut milk, it becomes nicely creamy. There are golden raisins visible in the blend, which I had been excited about, but I’m not getting much from them—the two dominant flavors overpower the rest, including the tea base itself, to the extent that the brew tastes a bit coffeeish. If you like rich, strong flavored teas, you may like this one, even if it’s a bit heavy-handed for my personal tastes.

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1758 tasting notes

This tea is just not that great. It smelled incredible in the store but its taste does not match the aroma. I am glad I only bought two ounces. The taste of the Brazil nuts is strong but just doesn’t work. There is also a sour note that I don’t know if it is from the Brazil nuts. Its not terrible, just not very good.

I steeped this once in an 18 oz teapot with 3 tsp leaf and boiling water for 4 min.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 18 OZ / 532 ML

I used to love this one, but I think the nuts go bad quickly. Try a little sugar and a tiny splash of milk.


I wasn’t a fan of it myself

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199 tasting notes

Cooking TTB #11

Oh boy! Another one to add to my eventual DAVIDs tea purchase!

This was so perfect to have on Christmas Eve when I was home alone and making cookie dough. The three most predominant flavors I got were the Brazil nuts, coconut (in taste and smell), and raisin. Those three were so delicious together. I am very grateful to Inkling for sneaking some of this in there for me!

Flavors: Coconut, Nutty, Raisins

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737 tasting notes

This is super nutty. xD Tasting some coconut in this one too…but mainly reminds me of salted nuts. It’s very sweet, and pretty salty tasting too. Don’t usually taste a lot of salt in teas, so this kinda feels a little like new territory :P
But not a bad tea. Wouldn’t drink again probably.
Glad DavidsTea sent me this sample in my last order!

Flavors: Coconut, Nutty, Salty, Sweet

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639 tasting notes

Time to get rid of all these old samples! Here’s another one that is God only knows how old. Speaking of which, has anyone seen that BBC music video of “God Only Knows” that’s floating around Facebook? I really like it! Here’s the link in case you missed it:

This one already smells better than the last DAVIDsTEA sample I tried (Ceylon Star). However, I’m still getting a lot of fake artificial coconut flavoring in this that I really don’t like. I can’t even taste anything else in here. No cream, no caramel, no nuts. There are raisins in here?! Nope, none of that either. You know what it does have? That lovely bit of scum floating on the surface. At least the aftertaste isn’t as potently disgusting as Ceylon Star. In summary, I’m afraid this one is another bust. Boo!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Thanks for the share! I haven’t seen the video until now. I’m glad they also have a link to identify everyone on the video because wow, so many young people I don’t know.

As for the tea, I find this one is only decent when it’s super fresh, otherwise the nuts and coconut go rancid and these weird undertones start to come out.


best commercial I’ve seen in awhile


I didn’t recognize half those people either, even after reading their names, LOL! But I really like it anyway. I think it’s very well made.

And yes, I learned the hard way with this tea that coconut does not keep well over time. Live and learn!

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986 tasting notes

This is in my top three favorite teas I’ve tried so far from David’s Tea! I love Brazil nuts, but I’ve never seen them used in a tea before. This blend is lovely…smooth and creamy with a fantastic rich, nutty flavor. Thank you to VariaTEA for sending along a sample! I suspect I’ll be re-purchasing this one soon.

Flavors: Coconut, Nuts, Smooth

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

What’s the other two in your top three?!?


Chocolate Rocket and Salted Caramel. :) I do love a good dessert tea! Wishing I lived close to a David’s so I could try one of those eggnog lattes you keep talking about…they sound amazing!

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467 tasting notes

I am still loving this tea!

The problem is I am already running out because I’m drinking it so much. I think I’m drinking it just to be able to eat the brazil nuts after steeping. They are mostly full or half size nuts.Brazil nuts are my favorite nut. I’m pretending that there are no calories in the nuts because it’s a tea. I’ve been resteeping 2x’s . (It is always interesting to see what autocorrect does with resteeping: resetting, stepping, etc.) NayLynn sent me some tea with a sample of Brazillionaire . Yea! I am a lucky girl!

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353 tasting notes

Another sample sipdown. This one is just ok. The nuttiness is nice, but overall I don’t find it very interesting.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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