Oh Canada!

Tea type
Honeybush Rooibos Blend
Artificial Flavouring, Caramel, Green Rooibos, Honeybush Leaves, Rooibos, Toffee
Brown Sugar, Burnt Sugar, Caramel, Maple, Sweet, Rooibos, Tobacco, Vanilla, Maple Syrup, Wood, Artificial, Earth, Candy, Nectar, Nutty, Pancake Syrup, Sugar, Sugarcane, Creamy, Autumn Leaf Pile, Butterscotch, Sweet, Warm Grass, Grain, Hay, Wheat, Butter, Toffee, Marshmallow, Marzipan, Cream
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 45 sec 4 g 18 oz / 547 ml

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  • “Oh Canada! Oh the incredible aroma! I’ve been having this often recently! I like it a lot a lot a lot! However it’s time to share now: Mini-Contest Time :) - Rules To win: You must comment on this...” Read full tasting note
  • “I was recently given 2oz of this tea from my Reddit coffee and tea exchange partner which beats the 10g sample I had in my cupboard. So it’s time to use this sample and see if I like this tea since...” Read full tasting note
  • “I feel like a maple. There really aren’t enough maple teas out there to be honest. This will satisfy your maple craving but I wish there was one out there without artificial flavouring. Even if I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Got this as my second eggnog latte as it came recommended by the sales associate when I asked them what would be a good caffeine free option other than Creme Brulee. Also, I had considered this one...” Read full tasting note


It’s all about the leaf

Looking for a taste of Canada? Try this red rooibos tea. It’s sweetened with (what else?) maple syrup and sprinkled with delicious maple leaf candies. Plus it’s 100% diplomatic (well, caffeine-free) and tastes great in both our official languages. With green rooibos, honeybush, caramel and toffee bits to shake things up. A truly authentic Canadian experience.

Ingredients: South African green and red rooibos, honeybush, caramel bits, toffee bits, candy leaves, artificial and natural flavouring*.

Allergens: Soy, dairy and tree nuts

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

287 Tasting Notes

1598 tasting notes

Thanks Ozli!

So this is full of maple because Canada is the land of maple syrup, but it’s rooibos because… we like to go to bed early so we wake up all sugary and sweet and thankyouing and so-sorrying?

It’s probably the best maple tea I’ve had though!


SUPER mapley! The little tin survived the post okay?


It did! It’s so cute too!
(I just lost my entire stitch thing again. Arrrgh. More tea to the rescue?)


Fiber arts are an intense past-time >:( tea is prob a good choice.

Aren’t they ADORABLE? Are they the same minis you have?


No, these are: http://www.davidstea.com/tiny-tins <3

They swapped out some of the tea since I got mine, but I think it’s for the best.

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150 tasting notes

Oh Taryn! Heaping, great, grand hugs to you for sending me such a generous sample of this wondrous tea. Oh Canada is everything I’ve ever wanted every maple tea I’ve ever tried to be. It’s mapletastic! I’m making up words tonight, or this morning, because I’m sick and quite possibly delusional. My questionable mental state aside, I’m so enjoying this super good tea.

Ashley Bain

I’ve been searching for a good maple tea! I can eat maple syrup by itself – the REAL stuff that is. I will have to put this on my shopping list.


Isn’t this the greatest Maple Tea? It smells wonderful and tastes even better.


Exactly! When I tried it at DAVIDs they called it “the Sunday Pancake tea” and they were NOT lying!!

Daisy Chubb

This will def be the next tea on my list to try!


Yes! Oh Canada is on my shopping list too. I really do adore all things maple :)

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807 tasting notes

Got a sample of this from Krystaleyn although I think I sent a PM to Indigobloom thanking her for it lol Im SO CONFUSED!!!! Anyway so Im not the biggest DavidsTea fan but this one was nice. I can’t say it was excellent as a TEA but then it is a rooibos I suppose. I guess I just am not a huge rooibos fan. Unless I want something sweet and yummy and this IS sweet and it IS yummy!
I just really wish I had more decaf TEA in my stash for nighttime but I wanted something warm and soothing and sweet last night pretty late so this was my pick from my sample pile. The one thing I dislike most about DavidsTeas is the scum on the top of the tea from the flavor oils I suppose. This had that. Eweeee but the flavor was excellent!
Thank you Krystaleyn!


I definitely sent some to you :) I’m also not the biggest rooibos fan, it seems, but it’s nice sometimes.


Yeah it was from you LOL Sorry about that girl :)

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1271 tasting notes

sipdown of Oh Canada

I will miss you Oh Canada and your strong maple flavor! I made the last of my tea as a latte with honey. Super maple!
Oh, I ran out of honey and asked my husband to buy some. He came home with 5lb container of it!


Costco? :) I had that jug of that much honey once. It got all crystallized a third way through. Eventually, I had to cut the jug open and scoop out the honey to use like a spread. Sealed it between uses with plastic wrap and a rubber band. :D

Oolong Owl

he got it from Ralphs, a large grocery store chain. I was surprised a typical grocery store would sell a bulk thing of honey!


Sounds like something my husband would do! Haha, gotta love ’em, eh?

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788 tasting notes

Steep Information:
Amount: ~ 1.5 tsp
Water: 8 ounces hot water spigot
Tool: make your own paper teabag
Steep Time: a little over 5 minutes (using Steep.It)
Served: Hot

Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: maple! sweet maple sugar, wood
Steeped Tea Smell: sweet maple, wood
Flavor: wood, sweet, warm
Body: Medium
Aftertaste: maple
Liquor: light translucent orange red

I won this in JonTea’s first mini contest!
What is the wildest name of tea you’ve ever heard of?
My Answer: Dragon Balls

Post-Steep Additives: 1 packet sugar
brings out the maple more

It’s yummy and sweet and soothing. I loved the little maple leaf candies. I’m not bowled over by it though.

Images: http://amazonv.blogspot.com/2010/06/davids-tea-loose-leaf-rooibos-and.html

5 min, 0 sec

Couldn’t agree more with the sweet soothing smell and taste of maple! I seemed to be more fond of it than you were but isn’t the smell so amazing. Like its so accurate to maple syrup :D


Yes, warm maple syrup, makes me want pancakes


Dragon balls! I still randomly giggle about that one :) I also have to say that today’s Select cracks me up too since Harney & Sons went with the more “eloquent” globes instead of balls. And then of course I think of Dragon Balls again. ::giggle::


Oh gad, you wouldn’t believe the ‘ball’ jokes that were bandied around when Adagio’s Black Dragon Pearl tea first came out. ;D

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1445 tasting notes

I’m relieved this doesn’t taste as strongly as the aroma from the dry leaves suggests. I think I would have exploded from a sweetness overload! Even though it’s turned down a notch, this cup of rooibos seems to ooze maple syrup. I’m surprised the liquid doesn’t leave a sticky sluggish residue in my mug- the flavour is that vivid.

I feel like I should have a side of pancakes with this tea; this syrupy condiment needs something to accompany it. I wonder if this could be incorporated into some kind of recipe. The toffee flavour also reminds me of those delicious maple toffee pops. Oh, I want one of those so badly now!! Delicious syrupy snow toffee… maybe I can pretend to eat you if I ice this rooibos blend?

It’s lovely how the natural sweetness of the rooibos and honeybush pair to create such a distinct maple flavour. The rooibos is noticeable but blends soundly with the sugary additions of toffee and caramel.

I have a handful of teas I like to drink with Hazelnut Bailey’s and this is one of them. Alternatively, it’s good with some kind of milk as it helps cut back some of the overwhelming sweetness, and there is no doubt that this tea is very sweet. There’s a touch of saltiness to it too, almost like salted caramel, but it isn’t a dominant flavour. This is perfect for a cold winter evening but not something I would be able to handle all the time.

Now I know where to go if I ever feel the urge to down container of maple syrup.

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

Huh, this sounds super intriguing to me! I had a maple black tea lately and it didn’t have nearly enough flavour – maybe if we mixed the two :P


If your missing syrup flavour this can only be your friend. I think a black base would do wonders by cutting back on the sweetness too. Good idea :)

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119 tasting notes

Another sample from Bonnie!

I absolutely LOVE how creative DAVIDsTEA’s are. Pumpkin chai had little pumpkin sprinkles in it, this has little maple leaf sprinkles, another one Bonnie sent me has little candy cane sprinkles. And the flavors they come up with are so fun and playful. I love it.

This was no exception. As I said, there are little maple leaf sprinkles in the leaves, and it smells strongly of maple. What I like about it the most though-it’s not OVERLY maple-y. I live in Vermont, so trust me: I consume a LOT of maple syrup. And as much as I like it, I don’t want to drink it. I really like that this tea helps me out with that.

Yet another thing I like about it-it tastes like REAL maple syrup. Again, I live in Vermont. I know the difference between Mrs. Buttersworth and Premium Grade A. And this tastes like Premium Grade A. It’s sweet but not gag-you sweet, and it tastes very genuine.

I reallllllly like this tea. I think it’s my favorite I’ve tried from DAVIDsTEA yet. For the third time now, I’m from Vermont, so it’s hard to please me with a maple flavored product. But this is really good to me, and I will DEFINITELY repurchase it.

Thank you again Bonnie and thank you on a lesser scale to DAVIDsTEA for making a nice and smooth maple tea.

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

You are very welcome!


Oh, hope you don’t mind the commercial, but I’m looking for someone to swap tea with me from our small world if anyone is up for it. I only did this for 1 tea before.


I’m willing! What are you looking for?


I don’t want to take your tea….you don’t have an income…I want to rob other people but thanks Ian!


I’m contemplating swapping with people at some point but I really only have teas from DavidsTea! Plus some Tazo, but yeah… Also sorry for thread hijacking _


It’s ok…love DavidsTea.Check discussion board for my new swap post offer too.

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1473 tasting notes

This was one of the two teas of the day for today, and when I stopped in this morning, this was the only one they had ready, so I snagged two tumblers of it. You see, when the iced tea promotion started, it was a day when the office was wretchedly home 30-40 degrees C, and I had forgotten any kind of drink at home. So when I went on a tea run, I bought two of the iced tea promo tumblers to get me through the day. Now I keep them at the office. I’ve almost made friends with a couple of my coworkers and let them know that they’re welcome to use them as long as they wash them when they’re done, so these suckers have seen a lot of mileage already, and they’re not even a week old!

Anyhoo, I had this without any kind of sweetner and it wasn’t bad! I did find myself craving something sweet in it, but that’s okay. It was still a cup full of mapley goodness on its own. Definitely one I would return to.


If you really want to over-maple your brain, use maple syrup as your sweetener. Obviously a occasional treat, but soo good! Best in winter with a hot cup of Oh Canada.

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51 tasting notes

Thank you Amanda for this sample.
It was the first tea I tried in my new forest mug from DT which is now my favorite mug ever. I already want to buy another one incase something happens to it. Here is a pic of the entire forest set. http://flic.kr/p/d8PVCS

The little leaves are what drew me to this tea. The first time I tried it, I found the maple and rooibos a bit too much for me, so this time, I made a blend using one teaspoon Oh Canada, and one teaspoon black tea. I called it Black Maple and it came out pretty awesome. Perfectly balanced, not too much maple or rooibos, and I was drinking it in the morning so it made a great breakfast tea. I found it to be very warming, so I would much rather enjoy it in cold temperatures. It smells so yummy!

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