Very nice “breakfast” mug of tea made and drank on one of the days this week where I was actually up and out of bed earlier enough to make tea before leaving for the metro – a rare occurrence for me as I tend to sleep as long as humanly possible and minimize my time spent awake at the apartment. I’m not a morning person; I make my lunch and set out clothing the evening before, as well as shower. I can be up and out of the house in less than ten minutes if I need to be…
I had this mug with oat milk; I’ve been enjoying exploring that type of milk alternative lately. It’s pretty new to me, and I’m finding that I like it in some teas but not all of them – it’s got quite a distinct taste. This pairing was pretty good; I find this tea really full bodied and brisk, malty and bread-y already but adding the oat milk really emphasized the bread-y element of it, making for a strong and full bodied cup that tasted like French Bread and oats? It was good, though.