Loose leaf
Appearance? Dark, black/orange hints of green
Aroma when Dry: fruity, can smell the sticky tart tartness, with some subtle undertones
After water is first poured: non specific fruit notes
At end of steep:
Tea liquor:
first color: light dusty brown
At end of steep: bland fruity
Staple? No, but Possible seasonal treat.
Time of day preferred: unsure as of yet
first notes: dry, bland
Additives used (milk, honey, sugar etc)? Not at first, added Raw Sugar at half a cup.
Lingers? Yes, with the sticky earthiness of the top notes in tamarind, light tart tang
As it cools? Dissipates into earthy dustiness. leaves mouth as dry as expected for tamarind.
At warm, not hot, with the addition of raw sugar, it is opening up a bit more, with the full layers of noted found in raw tamarind.
Reflecting:I will try again another day, thinking this might be better in summer.