Oh my goodness! This tea smells amaaaazing! Mmm amaretto! I want to bathe in it! I have a soft spot in my heart for amaretto though I haven’t drank it in a very long time. When the husband and I started courting there was a bottle of amaretto in his dorm closet. Perhaps courtship is not the most accurate term, but no matter.
And the blend is beautiful as well! I think this was what Teavana was aiming for with their Amandine Rose and all the incarnations that came before, but never achieved. Now that being said I was a tad disappointed on the first infusion. I used just under boiling water as recommended, normally I would used closer to 195.
I’m also not used many Indian black teas and haven’t had a Kundaly black to my knowledge. Most of what I think of as more British style blacks, whether from China, India or Ceylon walk a fine line of astringency for me.
However this reinfused well and I added a pinch of brown sugar and a splash of cream the second time round and it was lovely! Will play around with different steeping parameters in the future, because I know this has the potential for perfection!