Malty-Sweet-and-Creamy! This is FAB!
BUT…I didn’t steep long enough…Oops! It say 15 minutes! I will try that. I usually infuse for about 3 minutes for a white and that is what I did here. It’s mellow but tasty as well as malty, sweet, and creamy! 2nd infusion per directions…stay tuned…
I am also doing the O.o at 15 minutes. I have never heard of a steep time that long! But I’m still very much a tea newbie :)
15 min does seem extreme. I personally will never steep a white tea more than 5 minutes. I will await your reviw. :))
15 minutes??
I am also doing the O.o at 15 minutes. I have never heard of a steep time that long! But I’m still very much a tea newbie :)
15 min does seem extreme. I personally will never steep a white tea more than 5 minutes. I will await your reviw. :))
Yeah…I wouldn’t do this one at 15 minutes again. 5 is great 7 would be ok even