Additional notes: I wanted to try this one again with two teaspoons (the last steep session used one teaspoon and it was a little light – I knew the flavors would be better closer to Teavivre’s parameters.) So with almost the same temperature and steep time that I used last, there is an improvement. This is the BEST green tea!! This is the green tea for me, that is for sure. Two teaspoons is the sweet spot for a 11-12 ounce mug. The flavor is stronger and nuttier and sweet and unique without being astringent or bitter. Basically the same as with one teaspoon but bursting with flavor. The best green tea flavor! I’d definitely use two teaspoons in the future. It’s perfect. I really wish Teavivre would sell more of their teas in 50 gram amounts (or even 25 grams) because I could stock up on ALL of their awesome green teas, but I’d rather keep stocking up on them with fresh 25-50 gram pouches!
Steep #1 // 2 tsps. // 32 minutes after boiling // 55 second steep
Steep #2 // 28 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep