I recently came across Design A Tea and was curious how they measured up to Adagio (the other custom blender that I’ve purchased from). Since they offer five samples for $5 shipping, I thought, why not?
When I opened the shipping envelope, I was struck with an artificial scent, like cherry Nyquil, so not feeling high hopes.
Yep, it tastes pretty artificial too, sort of like those syrups in the coffee shops that they pump in for flavoring.
The base is inoffensive, so maybe some of the other samples will work out better. So far I’m definitely leaning toward Adagio though.
Aww, that’s too bad!
Yeah, if I’d read the steepster reviews more closely I might have saved myself some trouble — the few people who went with raspberry don’t sound enthusiastic about it, but some of the other flavors got more positive reviews. I still have 4 flavors to go, so keeping my fingers crossed :)