Harney & Sons slipped a sample sachet of this in with my Boston and Soho tins. Hmm, linden leaves? I’ve heard of linden trees but never seen one. There’s some kind of little pellet stuff in the sachet but I can’t get a good look because of the material.
Dry, the sachet smells a bit like dates and a bit like fresh hay, very sweet.
Steeped — eww. Unfortunately, it tastes just like that terrible Essiac tea my mom forced me to drink as a kid, with the same weird fish notes to boot.
Unless this stuff has some kind of crazy healing power, I don’t really see why anyone would drink it. It seems especially out of place in the H&S collection; I always think of them as purveyors of the fun teas.
Eww- I can’t deal with fish notes, lol.
Yeah, this is definitely one to steer clear of.