I’m drinking this tea right now. I hope it will give me the energy to write the massive number of tea reviews I’ve fallen behind on.
It’s a good chai. I really like super-strong chais, and this is stronger than, say, DT’s Saigon Chai, which is nice. I forgot to ask them when I was in the store yesterday which chai they made was the absolute strongest. Whoops.
When I make chai for myself, from scratch, I brew up black tea, then I dump in obnoxious amounts of chinese five spice and cardamom. Usually I end up with a big clump of spices at the bottom.
I was drinking this, trying to figure out what’s missing, and then it hit me: no cardamom. To me, cardamom is what makes a good chai. So I stirred some in. If I bought a bag of this, I might throw some cardamom pods in with the loose tea. Maybe crush them first (which is what I do with big spices in tea).
This is a pretty good tea though