I’ve been on a bit of a sample spree lately (as you can see!) I kept ordering teas that were described as “light earl greys,” because I had the idea that I would like one (I do love regular Earl Grey, but I remembered having a lovely light one in the cabinet years ago.) Without exception I hated them all – they too sharp and yet flavorless at the same time. Finally I sampled “Indian Nimbu” by Harney and Sons (review coming… I need another cup to decide what I think) which I was not expecting to have the Earl Grey flavor. There it was – it was the lemon that I was missing! And then the light went off – Lady Grey! That’s the tea I was remembering.
Back in college I remember picking up a Twinings sampler pack. I’d never had real teas – only herbals. I fell in love with all the teas (except the Irish Breakfast, but that’s just a Twinings dislike.) I had forgotten Lady Grey entirely! So I went on a search – it was not so easy to find – but I tracked it down to World Market.
This is what I was remembering – it’s light and lemony in the most comforting way. With milk and sugar it reminds me of the lemon pizzelle cookies that my Mom used to make for Christmas (I may or may not have bought some to go with my tea!) It does taste like the Earl, but it’s with all the sharp edges removed. This is the perfect afternoon tea for me, delicate but with enough caffeine to get me through.