This tea smells wonderful and reminds me a lot of the coconut chai I already have from Satori Teas. There are large slivers of coconut, pieces of ginger, and whole cardamom pods and peppercorns. There are also pieces of what I think must be cinnamon bark. It just smells so spicy and warm, like a freshly baked loaf of spice cake. I love it.
I added honey and cream so it’s sweet and rich. The tea on its own is good but a little weaker than I normally like it so I think next time I’ll do six ounces of water instead of eight. I’ve been doing that with a lot of my teas lately, and I think I might enjoy this one prepared that way as well.
Second Steep
6 ounces water + 212 degrees + 8 minutes
This second cup is even better than the first. I used less water and steeped a bit longer and it’s just right. After 80 degree days this past week, the weekend has decided it wants to have one last fling with winter so this is nice and warming and perfect for a cooler afternoon. I just finished my second cup and I want another. I think that’s saying something.
Thanks so much to Amariel for letting me try this one!
Flavors: Coconut, Ginger, Spices