Last night I pumped so that I could take the trek down to David’s and the boyfriend could watch our daughter. I hate pumping. Well anyways, back to the tea… I was a little hesitant about trying this tea because I saw a review saying that it tastes like red hot cinnamon hearts. I hate those things. I also hate that hot cinnamon gum..yuck it makes me nauseous thinking about it! But, I didnt really get that vibe from this tea. I tried it in store because it was one of the teas they had on tap and I really enjoyed it. I am currently sipping my second cup at home. I can see how it has that hot spice flavor…but you have to think about it to taste it, its not overpoweringly spicy! I like it with a little agave. It does leave a little cinnamon-y spice on your throat and in your belly though, so that may deter people that aren’t into hot cinnamon flavor, like myself. But the fruitiness and the nuts in it definitely tone that aspect down. I can see myself drinking this in front of a fire with christmas music playing. yum!
Flavors: Cinnamon