As many times as I’ve made sassafras tea from scratch I’ve never thought to ice it down, but the bottle of Pappy’s Sassafras Tea Concentrate comes with directions for making iced tea. After following the directions for making the tea “gourmet style” I felt that the tea came out weak tasting; the ice really watered down the flavor. Instead I preferred to follow the “serve it cold” directions by mixing 1 1/2 ounces of tea concentrate with a cup of cold water. Both methods produced a tea that reminded me of root beer minus the sugar and fizz from the carbonated water, which was exactly what I had expected since sassafras is one of the main ingredients used to make root beer. The tea left me wanting to add a few heaping teaspoons of sugar to my cup, which I would have done if I had had any sugar on hand. The flavor was much as I remembered, although when I make the tea from scratch it seems to turn out much more flavorful. My experience with Pappy’s Sassafras Tea Concentrate left me wondering if I could use it to make a quick, not quite from scratch, root beer without the fuss of having to boil down all of my ingredients. Check back soon to see how my experiment making root beer using a bottle of Pappy’s Sassafras Tea Concentrate turned out.
You can read the full review on my blog: