I really enjoy the flavors in this tea, but it’s only good for one or two brews. On first brew, it has a charming pinky-rose color that’s just so #aesthetic but it’s very pale upon the second brewing, and the tang from the hibiscus is really reduced, as are most of the fruity notes. It’s still drinkable, but it’s not nearly as rewarding as the 2nd or even 3rd brew of the coconut oolong I picked up at the same time. This saddens me, because I really appreciate being able to stretch my tea through multiple pots while working. It’s not the measuring out fresh tea that bothers me, it just feels wasteful to toss it after one pot…but that might be a ME problem?
Anyhow, I find this tea really pleasant to drink, and will drink all 100g I bought, I just wish it translated to more pots of tea. Given all the chunky fruit in this blend, it didn’t even fill the tea canister completely- by comparison, I could only fit 50-70g of the coconut oolong in the same size canister.