Onward with the 24 Days of Christmas from DavidsTea. This is my first oolong, so I’m not sure what to expect.
Dry – Smells buttery/milky . Tightly rolled dark kernels
Steeped – 4 infusions. Each around 182F. 4-7 minutes (longer steeping with each infusion). Love watching the tea leaves unfurl. It smells amazing, caramel and rich.
Taste – It has this creamy milky smooth flavor that leads to a light vegetal (spinach) after taste. With each steeping the butter flavor lessens and the green plant flavor becomes more prominent. It is a beautiful golden color.
This is so good and if I can get 4 infusions every time, I think I might have to put this on the purchase list!
Flavors: Butter, Caramel, Creamy, Green, Milk, Smooth, Spinach, Vegetal