This is a queued tasting note.
Cold brew – accurate Saskatoon berry flavor. Really, I’m not gonna use this note for tea related stuff though. I badly need to vent about some work bullshit.
We’ve been having a lot of drama at work recently; and I guess that comes with half of the staff in my department being high school students but this week really takes the cake. One of our most recent courtesy clerks (the people who gather carts, do price checks, keep the bathrooms clean, bag groceries, etc.) was fired for a very memorable reason; sending unsolicited nudes to about 80% of the other courtesy clerks.
Seriously; I don’t understand what the fuck she was thinking. Like, these were literally deliberately taken pornographic pictures which she sent to male and female staff alike without any prompting from anyone. On top of that, she posted them on Facebook. How attention seeking, and probably troubled, do you have to be? The assistant manager in the kitchen even wound up being sent them, which is probably the most problematic part; she’s 16 and he’s in his mid twenties. That’s so illegal. And the fact he now has child porn on his phone (even though he deleted his phone, you can’t really delete stuff like that) could potentially cause so many problems for him. It doesn’t help that a lot of the female highschoolers find him moderately sketchy already; now there are rumors going around that he sent pictures back to her and it’s just one big cluster fuck. It’s so hard to sift out what’s actually true, and what’s just wide-spread gossip.
But seriously; I don’t really have an issue with nudes in general; but for one you don’t just repeatedly spring them on people (especially when they’ve asked you to stop). It’s all about the consent, people! And for fuck’s sake – if you’re underage you simply SHOULD NOT be taking pictures like that. At all. Period.
They wound up getting in the hands of my manager; she’s dating one of the highschooler’s father and he (the highschooler) was sent the pictures. When he asked her to stop and she didn’t he threatened to tell our manager and she threatened to get him beaten up if he did. Regardless, he told her – and she fired the girl’s ass.
Holy cow. That is some drama. Wow. Sorry you have to go thru all that.
16!? and she uploaded them to facebook…what the heck??!!
That’s crazy.
It really makes you wonder about so peoples decision making skills! Crazy!