Gonna work on a few tasting notes for a little while; I’ve done a bad job writing the latter half of this week – but I had super weird and polar opposite hours that ‘caused my sleep pattern to get SEVERELY out of whack. I’ve all the last 72 hours, aside from getting ready for work, bussing to work, and actually working, asleep. No free time…
The one exception being when I woke up yesterday at 1AM (after sleeping for ten straight hours following a File Maintenance shift starting at 5AM) and watched Soul Surfer on Netflix super early in the morning (1:30AM until like 3AM?) and cried like a little baby. I don’t know why it made me so emotional; I mean I’ve read her book and I didn’t even cry that much at the book; but the water works were GOING. Thank God Tre’s still out of town – I’d have never lived down that much tears.
But then after that, right back to sleep until 9:30AM when I was woken up by a phone call; I was supposed to start work at 9:00AM! There’d be a communication when I was getting my schedule though, and I’d written down someone else’s shifts (one of the other Kelly’s who work with me; there’s four in total for our department). I didn’t think I started until 11…
So rough start to my day I guess; but it’s gone really well otherwise! I obviously didn’t have time to make any tea while getting ready for work – I wound up there makeup less, without showering, in an unwashed uniform. Barely had time to grab some things from the fridge to make a lunch before my cab had arrived. Thankfully I had this one cold brewed and prestrained; so I wasn’t totally tea-less!
You know what though? As tasty as this one was, it wasn’t really really similar to the Saskatoon Berry tisane I have from the same company. Really, you could go look at my tasting note for that one and it’d convey almost everything I experienced with the cold brew for this one.
And I guess that makes sense, they do have really similar ingredient lists but I was hoping the different proportions of stuff in the blends would make for some more noticeable contrast. The one sort of justifiable and significant difference is very pleasant though; this blend has Chokecherries in it, and the Saskatoon Berry doesn’t. You can taste them in here too; and they’re sweet and almost jammy. But I think a little more like a sweet and tart compote. Subtle difference; but still different.
Still haven’t tried either of the two blends hot yet; the hibiscus scares me. What’s the middle ground between cold brew and hot cup? I need to do that next, I guess…
Flavors: Berries, Cherry, Hibiscus, Tart