Still trying to finalize my Black Friday orders – and I feel like that can’t be done until I try a few more teas. I wasn’t expecting to, but I may make a second very small order (one or two teas) from 52Teas.
Also, Tre has been broke and unable to buy bread or milk, among other things, for weeks now (I refuse to cave and buy them – it’s his turn) but I am partially forgiving him since he came home today with two fresh loaves of white bread which he made in his Siast culinary coarse. I’m sitting here drinking tea and eating slice after slice of straight bread and I just feel SO damn good about it. It’s about fucking time I had some bread!
Anywho, this is officially the first tea from 52Teas I’ve ever had (although I have five different blends on their way to me at the moment), and I feel like it’s a fitting first one. Doctor Who is a show I enjoy, although I’ll admit to not exactly being the biggest fan girl: I’ve only watched the stuff with 10 (because of David), bits and pieces of 9’s seasons (because I like Billy Piper too – she’s the best companion imho), and the first few episodes with 11. If we’re talking Doctor Who fangirls, Tre beats me by a mile. More than a mile: many miles. Currently in my house, we have a talking Dalek plush toy, SIX sonic screwdrivers, a Doctor Who calendar, and two Doctor Who t-shirts. He is a HUGE fangirl.
Dry, neither Tre or I could smell any kind of scent coming off the leaf. I was expecting to smell something, at least, so I was kinda dissappointed. Tre often claims my teas smell like either crap or are odorless so he seemed kinda content about it. Normally I think he just wouldn’t care at all, but since this tea is Doctor Who related he just has to be involved.
I wasn’t really sure how to steep this: I guess there aren’t really steeping instructions. So, what I did was skim the reviews on this tea and try to average it out. I ended up going with 1 1/2 tsp. level steeping in boiling water for 2 min. 30 seconds.
Now, steeped, I’m able to smell the tea base and something kind of caramel like. It’s not strong though, so if I didn’t know it was caramel I might just leave it at “generic sweet smell”.
Taking small sips now… Mmmm! Yum! This tastes like caramel corn! I really am getting popcorn out of this, and caramel too – albeit a light caramel. I really wish it was just a little more in your face, but I suppose this could just be from my not steeping it long enough or using too little leaf: I was just guessing after all. I do have enough from what I purchased from Janelle for at least one more cup, but I think I’d like to purchase this just to have to play around with, and to share with Tre and Robyn (both huge Whovians). Tre might be in my good books right now, but no way am I sharing with him when I currently have such a limited amount! He seems content with the iced tea I made him though, so that’s good I guess.
I placed my second 52 teas order this week. It was my 3rd this month. I am not proud of that. I also just ended up spending money I was not expecting to spend on a Butiki order, a Della Terra order, and a Herbal Infusions order. Got to love Black Friday.