So, my day started off really shitty but thankfully it seems to have full turned around! I’m so pumped for tonight and seeing Catching Fire with Robyn since (and I don’t want to jinx it, so knock on wood) everything seems to be going my way!
First, my unexpected shift at work went by SUPER quickly and I had a really, really good hour or so conversation with the manager at the yogurt bar near my kiosk. Turns out she’s a huge tea fan too, and not just the “I’m strictly familiar with DAVIDsTEA” and “OMG TEA CAN HAVE CHOCOLATE IN IT!?” type of tea fan either. It was super cool getting to talk to someone in person (other than Robyn, of course) about tea and use all the ‘lingo’ and not have to ‘dumb down’ the way I was talking.
And then, walking home, I thought about the possibility of there being one of the swaps I’m expecting in the mail today possibly. That cheered me up, and although I didn’t find anything I was expecting in the mailbox I did find something I wasn’t expecting! I didn’t even know she was doing anything like this, but the angelic Lala was SO super kind to send me a totally surprise holiday card with a tea sample in it! Gah! The kindness and generosity on Steepster is just too much, and I really really needed this unexpected gesture of kindness today to make my day better! Thanks so much Lala and Merry Steeping and Happy Sipping to you too (and PS. the card is SO FREAKING CUTE)!
Then, on top of the other things that are going good, the cut on my gums that’s been giving me so much displeasure it healing up super quickly and nicely – and I’m totally going to credit sticking these Lipton tea bags in my mouth as the reason! It’s really nice to be able to drink tea without it hurting me doing so.
Lastly, and maybe the best thing of all, my dear friend Renee talked to me today! This might not seem like a big thing, but she’s been my BEST friend since 8th grade, we worked at the movie theatre together for nearly a year and she’s just so special to me. Sadly, the last few months before I moved I was going through some really bad depression and we grew apart and then, after moving to my new town, we completely fell out of contact despite my spending my first month and a half hear trying to talk to her. I was told from several people (friends and former coworkers) that she had grown to hate me the last few months before I moved, was happy I was gone, and no longer considered me a friend. That was a huge blow, and sorta sent me back into a depression (which I’ve been doing so much better coming out of this last month). So, it’s a BIG DEAL that today she messaged ME out of the blue and actually started catching up with me (and we’re now making amends). I’m quite literally crying tears of joy. Pure fucking joy. This was ALL that I needed to completely erase every little bit of shittyness that it feels like has been dumped on me since moving.
It’s SO SO SO good to know that I haven’t lost my best friend. Everything feels good now, and I feel like I’m going to be ok and I just felt like I had to share that. Steepster has been amazing for me and amazing in giving me a group of truly caring individuals to talk to and share a passion with. Just, what a great turn around to an awful starting day. I truly feel blessed.
It probably helps that you’re only a city away. And it definitely helped cheer my day up! It’s a great feeling receiving mail just as thoughtful as it is unexpected! I instantly smiled! I’m also curious to try a Cuppa’T blend since I only started exploring different tea stores after moving – and therefore missed out on visiting this store! The tea you sent me smells heavenly, though ^^
Wow that got there quick. I am glad it helped to cheer up your day!
It probably helps that you’re only a city away. And it definitely helped cheer my day up! It’s a great feeling receiving mail just as thoughtful as it is unexpected! I instantly smiled! I’m also curious to try a Cuppa’T blend since I only started exploring different tea stores after moving – and therefore missed out on visiting this store! The tea you sent me smells heavenly, though ^^